This phase of engagement has ended.


Theale - Deadman's Lane


Theale - Deadman's Lane

What is being proposed

We’re proposing to stop motor vehicles from entering Deadman's Lane at all times to create a quiet route for recreational access to the countryside. We propose a physical closure using either bollards or planters north of its junction with Spring Gardens. This would enhance Deadman's Lane as a cycling / walking route and improve safety outside Theale Green School.

From earlier engagements, residents and cyclists indicated a preference for more cycling and walking as a leisure pursuit in this location. As such, this scheme proposes a pilot to restrict motor traffic in this rural lane to create a safer, more attractive route to be used by those on foot and bicycles and reducing conflict with general vehicle traffic.

Consultation Closed

The consultation period for this scheme has now ended.

Thank you to all those who responded. Following the close of the initial consultation, your feedback and suggestions will be considered, and if appropriate, a pilot scheme designed and installed.

If the scheme is installed, a new Design feedback consultation will be opened for you to tell us about your experiences, report on the impact the installed scheme may have had, or suggest any further improvements you think would be beneficial. Once the pilot scheme has been in place for 6 to 9 months it will be reviewed, and if appropriate, changed according to the feedback you provide. The consultation will remain open for the life of the pilot scheme, approximately 12 to 18 months.

At the end of the pilot all feedback will be considered before the scheme is made permanent or removed completely.

How to be kept informed

Results and updates will be regularly reported through the Commonplace news articles. Registering your interest will ensure you are kept informed.

Early Concept Plan

Additional materials

Early Concept drawings - Deadman's Lane
Early Concept drawings - Deadman's Lane

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
