This phase of engagement has ended.

West Berks Active Streets

Theale - Deadman's Lane contributions

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon



over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• I live nearby

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a resident or business? Please select all that apply.

• Easier for kids to walk safely

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a pedestrian using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Will feel safer as a pedestrian

• Easier to walk around here

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a cyclist using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Not sure/not applicable

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?


Would you support these changes being made permanent?

I'll wait and see how it goes

Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


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over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• I live here

• My children go to school there

• I walk in this area for leisure

• I cycle in this area for leisure

• I walk in this area for commuting

• I cycle in this area for commuting

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a resident or business? Please select all that apply.

• Will reduce congestion and traffic

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a pedestrian using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Will feel safer as a pedestrian

• Easier to walk around here

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a cyclist using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Will feel safer as a cyclist

• Easier to cycle around here

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?


Would you support these changes being made permanent?


Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.


over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• I live here

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a resident or business? Please select all that apply.

• Will reduce congestion and traffic

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a pedestrian using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Will feel safer as a pedestrian

• Easier to walk around here

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a cyclist using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Will feel safer as a cyclist

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?


Would you support these changes being made permanent?


Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

Can we also look to incorporate this in your wildlife highway verge scheme too and maybe look at a more wildlife friendly hedge cutting regime?

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Mostly positive

over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?

Mostly positive

What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• Englefield Parish Council

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a resident or business? Please select all that apply.

• Not sure/not applicable

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a pedestrian using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Not sure/not applicable

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a cyclist using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Not sure/not applicable

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?

Not sure

Would you support these changes being made permanent?

I'll wait and see how it goes

Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

Englefield Parish Council are broadly in favour of the proposal, but would like consideration given to the concern regarding how the interaction between pedestrians and cyclists will be managed to ensure the safety of pedestrians. A potential proposed suggestion for consideration is signage indicating that cyclists must give way to pedestrians, or inclusion of a cycle lane.

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over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• I walk in this area for leisure

• I live nearby

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a resident or business? Please select all that apply.

• Safer for walking

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a pedestrian using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Will feel safer as a pedestrian

• Easier to walk around here

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be on you as a cyclist using this area? Please select all that apply.

• Not sure/not applicable

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?


Would you support these changes being made permanent?


Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

I would welcome permanent changes to avoid the road being used as as sat nav cut through used by large delivery vehicles

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