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West Berks Active Streets

Parking Restrictions to Improve Active Travel Routes contributions

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over 3 years ago


Which scheme are you commenting on? Please complete the survey for each scheme you wish to comment on.

A343 Andover Road, Newbury

How do you feel about this scheme?


What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• I live here

• I walk in this area for leisure

What do you think the effects of the scheme has been? Please select all that apply.

• Harder to reach any other destination

• Feels less safe as a pedestrian

• The parking situation is worse

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this scheme?


Generally speaking, do you support measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

I am writing to oppose, to the fullest extent, the proposed plans to put double yellow lines along Andover road. I am shocked that the multiple, not to mention obvious, implications of this clearly haven’t been considered, and am even more shocked at the thoughtlessness of this in relation to the community. The most crucial impact of this will be on accessibility, which will in turn impact livelihoods and lifestyle. Newbury is a known commuter town, and therefore all kinds of parking is a necessity. Although remote working may be applicable in a very select few sectors, the majority of work involves a commute of some kind, and we have seen the truth of this in the return of people to work following lockdowns – quite simply put, the working majority need to drive to work, and need somewhere to park. In my household, one person has a 45 minute commute, and another drives from site to site very often as a requirement of her job role. If they cannot park their cars, they essentially cannot work, or will be forced into jobs (if any are even available at this extremely difficult time), for most likely less pay. I also drive as part of my job, and will find myself hugely limited in this sense, but also socially – many of my friends and family live outside of Newbury and so if I cannot park, and am forced to give up my car through a lack of parking, I will find myself isolated, particularly from my sister and very young nephew –we have already lost a year of him growing up and will lose out on so much more of his life if we are unable to park our own cars and therefore no longer able to drive. As well as this, several of the places I go to regularly are not on bus routes and so it cannot even be argued that it would be more environmentally friendly for me to switch to public transport – the infrastructure quite simply isn’t even there. This links to further implications on emotional and mental wellbeing. We have seen, across the last year, the enormous impact on mental health that social isolation has – I believe it is glaringly obvious that being forced into isolation will have an absolutely enormous impact on not just our own household, but all of those along Andover road. Our neighbour is an elderly woman who lives alone and relies on visitors for both companionship and safety. If people are no longer allowed to park she will be completely and utterly isolated, being less mobile and in fragile health. I am writing this letter not just on account of myself but her also, as she has no access to a smart phone or a computer – she is exactly the kind of person who will face absolute isolation from society because of this. It will also limit her ability to go to church, which she relies on, and this will therefore be a direct attack on her as a religious person. Will the council be providing live in carers for the elderly along this stretch of road, or equipping us with counselling services to account for the rise in mental health issues associated with isolation, should these plans go ahead? Personally, as a young woman, being able to drive and park my car outside my house specifically is crucial to my freedom, and indeed, my personal safety. As has been well documented in the news lately, women face huge risks to their safety walking alone, on public transport, and even using taxis. These risks are something that I have experienced myself and make me extremely fearful of being forced into giving up my car, and thus my safety and independence, if I am unable to park outside my own home – which, I think it can be agreed, is not too much to expect. With double yellow lines, even taxis would not be allowed to park, and so I would be forced into isolation for my own safety, or have to face significant and statistically undeniable risks to my safety in going places by foot – if these plans go ahead, I can essentially wave goodbye to any notion of leaving the house in winter. These plans leave me feeling personally victimised as a woman and a car driver and, in fact, very deeply and very profoundly afraid for my safety. There is the obvious impact on house prices, should we be forced to move through not being able to park. The houses along this street are large family houses, we are close to several schools. How can the council expect the people who live here to continue to be able to live here, when these houses are set up for a lifestyle that almost invariably involves being able to drive? We moved into our house over twenty years ago and parking was, and always has been, up until now, guaranteed. Myself and my family would like to see an extremely detailed plan of compensation, should these plans go ahead, since there will be an impact, not only on our current work if we are forced to give up our current jobs, but also on the sale of our house, if we are forced to move. The only option we would have for parking (since, unlike this proposal suggests, an awful lot of households do not have any access to off street parking) would be our small front garden – it may be enough for just one car at a stretch – what are we to do, draw straws over who has to quit their job when they cannot park, and therefore can no longer drive to work? Our front garden is environmentally friendly and has a positive impact on the community, unlike double yellow lines. The result of cutting off parking will be a street of empty houses, as these are family homes which a single person or younger people would be unable to afford, but that older people or families would be unable to stay at, without parking – the simple fact is that the vast majority of people are car drivers and most households need at least one if not two or more cars. The proposed changes will have an enormous and devastating impact on lives of everyone along the entire street – not just the people who live there, but their families and friends, separating grandparents and grandchildren – the ramifications will be huge, and won’t be easily undone. Just those two yellow lines will imprison people and make life unliveable for the very people who pay for the houses along this stretch and the parking that, when they purchased them, was available to them. I have noticed that double yellow lines have been proposed for other areas also – which leaves me wondering where people possibly can park in Newbury? As it is, parking is utterly dire, with more houses being built and more parking being taken away. This is fundamentally nonsensical and leaves no future for this town, unless of course we are to imagine a town full of people who all just happen to have no commute, no social life, and no family or care obligations, and, for women, no intention of leaving the house without a chaperone. It seems to me that permit parking for the households along Andover road would be the logical, reasonable and obvious solution, a solution which is already in place in towns and cities all throughout the country, in roads far more narrow and far more congested than Andover Road. The fact that this hasn’t already been considered the logical solution is enough to make me wonder as to the motivations of these plans in the first place? If it’s a case of needing to spend budget money, I can assure you there are countless potholes that can be addressed with the road tax we pay and countless facilities such as more recycling bins, more street cleaning in the high street, and better parks, that can be improved with the council tax we pay. With the road as wide as it is an perfectly good cycle lanes already in use alongside pavements that are seldom, it seems to me that the issues with cyclists facing obstructions are, at best, limited to the unprecedented lockdowns when less people were driving and more people were cycling, and at worst, confined to times that are busier for every user of both roads, pavements and cycle lanes alike – the school run. Unless you remove the several schools in the area, cyclists are never going to be short of complaints. But where are these cyclists now, I ask? Restrictions have dropped and already I have seen a quite frankly comical drop in the amount of cyclists I am seeing – has it been thoroughly checked that these so called complaints did not come from the fitness fad cyclists of lockdowns – as opposed to the steady members of the community that actually live along this stretch of road, and have done for years, in many cases decades? As it stands however, I can’t help but feel at best personally cheated, and at worst personally victimised and indeed endangered by this proposal which stands as a direct attack to me, my hardworking family, my elderly neighbour, and households all along Andover Road. I wonder if this would be happening if the majority of households along this stretch were of any other demographic. Perhaps we are just an easy target. As it is, these plans are discriminatory against car drivers (who pay road tax), home owners (who pay council tax and paid for their houses with the parking included), women (who’s safety will be impacted – this is a statistical fact), the elderly (who are less mobile and rely even more on visits and have less access to IT), and religious people. Will this blatant discrimination go ahead?

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over 3 years ago


Which scheme are you commenting on? Please complete the survey for each scheme you wish to comment on.

A343 Andover Road, Newbury

How do you feel about this scheme?


What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• I live here

• I work here

• I commute through here

• I cycle in this area for leisure

• I do my shopping here

• I walk in this area for leisure

• I cycle in this area for commuting

• I walk in this area for commuting

What do you think the effects of the scheme has been? Please select all that apply.

• Harder to reach my home/business

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this scheme?


Generally speaking, do you support measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

For the residents that live here the impact is devastating and life changing essential services and care staff will be prevented from parking which means residents will no longer receive the services. I dont feel that you should be able to comment if you dont live here, please think how it would effect you before you comment, you dont have to cycle on the cycle lane you can cycle in city playground or the old hospital green.

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over 3 years ago


Which scheme are you commenting on? Please complete the survey for each scheme you wish to comment on.

A343 Andover Road, Newbury

How do you feel about this scheme?


What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• I live here

• I work here

• I commute through here

• I cycle in this area for leisure

• I walk in this area for leisure

• I walk in this area for commuting

• I cycle in this area for commuting

• I do my shopping here

What do you think the effects of the scheme has been? Please select all that apply.

• Harder to reach my home/business

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this scheme?


Generally speaking, do you support measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

Andover Road Newbury Berks RG14 6LR 23 March 2021 Feedback active travel fund improvements To whom it may concern I received the letter dated 11-3-21 in regard to the proposed plans to introduce No parking at any time restrictions along the section of road Andover Rd between Wendan Rd and Old Newtown Rd, This has caused a considerable amount of distress and concern to myself and my family, wider family and friends, as to where we will be able to park as there is no mention of a parking provision in the letter for residents of the properties and any guests and visitors. I have owned and lived in my house for approx. 25 years and there have been no complaints at any time in regard to parking on the road. I have spoken to the council on several occasions and have been assured that there is no issue. I was shocked and distressed as the implications for this are enormous to myself and occupants of the properties in the area proposed, We have three cars and three occupants in our household all cars were used regularly prior to covid restrictions. I have no parking area on my property and no room to create this having a small front garden, that would at best only provide parking for one vehicle but I do not have the funds for this project, My front garden is a source of enjoyment for many people that stop and chat to look at the plants and flowers and one that may have to be removed, a garden is more environmentally friendly for animals and prevention of flooding, It would also decrease the security of my property as the wall and gates would be removed and incur substantial costs. Myself, husband and daughter all use our cars to travel to work, without parking provision we cannot work, I am a local housing officer and it is imperative I have access to a car for my job as without a car I cannot fulfil my job obligations. I am very concerned with the implications of not being able to park outside my property or having no car and having to walk back to my house alone as I fear myself or my daughter could be at risk as lone women, this would mean that we would not be able to go out and return home in the late afternoon/evening for fear of being attacked or have a chaperone or additional costs of a taxi to get us closer to home. But as you are proposing no parking at any time the risk is there and very real. I would be extremely concerned the effect this would have on my daughter as without a car to be independent she would be socially isolated and the effect on her mental health would be great. We would no longer be able to receive deliveries of essential items as we have through lock downs. How would I get my weekly shopping home without being able to park, if I have nowhere to park and have to sell my car how do I complete these tasks and my work obligations. Myself and my neighbours some of whom are elderly would no longer be able to receive essential services that are carried out in the home or visitors as there is nowhere for them to park nearby within walking distance to visit or to bring equipment or services to the home, Family members would no longer be able to visit as you are proposing no parking at any time. This would mean we would be socially isolated through no parking restrictions which would have an enormous impact both socially and mentally. Both myself and my husband have illnesses that limit the amount we can walk I have asthma and my husband has arthritis in his knees. My elderly and vulnerable neighbours will not be able to respond to the survey as they will not have access to IT and may not understand the impact this will have on their daily lives. This would have a bearing on our house price should we be forced to sell if there are no parking restrictions in place and who would want to buy it, these are family sized houses that would no longer be attractive to families who own cars, would the council be prepared to reimburse us the difference in cost should these restrictions be put in place and we be forced into moving from our family home. I feel very discriminated against and victimised as a car driver/owner and let down by the council as you must be well aware that some houses do not have parking and there is nowhere for us to park We pay road tax to use the road and council tax to the council. I feel that we are easy victims for the council to target in an effort to spend money allotted in a budget. I feel that our lives and the impact it will have has not been considered and disregarded as unimportant as there is no evidence that this will encourage more cycling. You have mentioned a history of complaints would this just be since March 2020 or previously as you have not contacted us prior to this, and prior to this all the households vehicles would not have been parked outside our house from 8am to approx. 6 pm mon – fri as we would have been at work. The road is not busy out of rush hour traffic and allows plenty of room on the pavement and road for pedestrians and vehicles to pass our cars. Considering the length and width of the road in the proposed areas of restrictions the amount of cars belonging to the households parked on the road and the No of cyclists that use it do these restrictions have cause this will have a negligible effect on how attractive it is for cycling but a huge impact for the households in the area. Have you taken steps to ensure these are not vexatious complaints? Just a little further up Andover Road on the left hand side going towards Andover there are a row of terraced houses with more vehicle more densely parked where the pavement is narrower and nearer to a junction but this area will not be subjected to the same restrictions how can you justify this. I would ask that you dismiss the current proposal and look to other areas/options for cycle lanes/routes or consider free permit parking to the residents of the houses in the proposed area of parking restrictions as you can see the devastating impact that would occur should a compromise not be reached and suggest that an alternative route for a cycle lane could be through the city playground where it would not have an impact and be safer away from the road traffic and in keeping with the recent upgrade to the park equipment or to provide another cycle lane for up/down direction travel on the green opposite the area as there is more than enough space to accommodate this and again would not impact the residents of the houses in the proposed Parking restriction area.

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over 3 years ago


Which scheme are you commenting on? Please complete the survey for each scheme you wish to comment on.

Kiln Road, Newbury

How do you feel about this scheme?


What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• I live here

• I walk in this area for leisure

What do you think the effects of the scheme has been? Please select all that apply.

• Easier to reach my home/business

• Feels safer as a pedestrian

• Easier to walk around here

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this scheme?


Generally speaking, do you support measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

As well as the proposals to eliminate pavement parking along Turnpike Road and Kiln Road in Newbury, it needs to be borne in mind that this problem affects both sides of the road, not just the south side. There is another safety situation which needs to be addressed. Some months ago, when Turnpike Road was being resurfaced, new speed cushions were installed. Now, vehicles are being driven in the centre of the road, between the two cushions, and on the cross-hatching. This is an extremely dangerous situation, and renders the speed cushions completely useless. Please, therefore, give urgent consideration to the removal of the cushions, or install poles in the centre of the road. It is only a matter of time before there is a major accident and someone is seriously injured, or even killed.

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over 3 years ago


Which scheme are you commenting on? Please complete the survey for each scheme you wish to comment on.

A343 Andover Road, Newbury

How do you feel about this scheme?


What is your connection to the area? Please select all that apply.

• I live nearby

• I cycle in this area for leisure

What do you think the effects of the scheme has been? Please select all that apply.

• Feels safer as a cyclist

• Easier to cycle around here

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this scheme?


Generally speaking, do you support measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

This is long overdue. It is impossible to use the cycle lane safely at present. This discourages cyclists, especially those who would like to cycle into town with children.

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